Raches Ikaria – touristic villas landscape design

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TITLE: Raches Ikaria – landscape design of tourist complex (Aria Monte Villas)

CLIENT: private
LOCATION: raches village, Ikaria
SURFACE: 1700m2
YEAR: 2014
AUTHOR: Thanasis Polyzoidis


The site of 1,7m2 includes three vacation houses on two different levels, retained by stone walls. The project aims to create different levels of privacy between the three housing complexes by means of new plantations and navigating paths. The geometry of the hardscapes highlights the sense of wandering between the new maquis plantations that function as vertical barriers. New garigue aromatic plants are the dominant plantation choices between the houses, creating an ecological arid landscape in synergy with the indigenous surrounding landscape.


  • Date: 2014
  • Client: private
  • Filed under: landscape, private